I’m Rima, a scientist and a human being who believes in free thinking and free expression for all.

Since February 2021, I have been the target of censorship due to my blog. In May of the same year, I have been suspended from my tenured position without pay for seven months.

Depuis février 2021, je suis la cible d‘une violente campagne de censure à cause de mon blog. En mai passé, j’ai été suspendue de mon poste permanent sans solde pendant 7 mois.

Thank you for your continuous heart-warming support.

Merci du fond du cœur pour votre soutien chaleureux et continu.

ENGLISH (le français suit…):

Hello everyone:

Many thanks, from the bottom of my heart, for your heart-warming continuous support over the past 14 months.

It is your generosity that contributed to making the resolution of my arbitration process possible in the form of a confidential settlement.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my great lawyer, Max, for his outstanding legal counsel throughout my journey.

Below you can find the official statement for the settlement, as released in emails by the university and the union.

Thanks again,

Rima Azar, PhD [or Bambi on her blog]

“Mount Allison University, the Mount Allison Faculty Association and Professor Rima Azar (the “Parties”) are announcing today that all matters in dispute between them have been resolved. 

 The University received student complaints and took these complaints seriously pursuant to the Policy on Workplace Harassment and the Anti-Racism Policy. The Parties agree that these processes are important and complaints of this nature from our students need to be taken seriously. 

 Where all parties have agreed that fostering a respectful and inclusive learning environment – one which also recognizes academic freedom – is of the utmost importance, we consider all outstanding issues in dispute resolved, and no further commentary will be offered.”


Bonjour tout le monde:

Un grand merci, du fond du cœur, pour votre soutien continu et chaleureux au cours des 14 derniers mois.

C’est votre générosité qui a contribué à rendre possible la résolution de mon processus d’arbitrage sous la forme d’un règlement confidentiel.

Enfin et surtout, je tiens à remercier mon excellent avocat, Me Max, pour ses conseils juridiques exceptionnels tout au long de mon parcours.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le communiqué officiel du règlement tel que publié par courriel par l’université et le syndicat.

Merci encore,

Rima Azar, PhD [ou Bambi sur son blog]

“Mount Allison University, the Mount Allison Faculty Association and Professor Rima Azar (the “Parties”) are announcing today that all matters in dispute between them have been resolved. 

 The University received student complaints and took these complaints seriously pursuant to the Policy on Workplace Harassment and the Anti-Racism Policy. The Parties agree that these processes are important and complaints of this nature from our students need to be taken seriously. 

 Where all parties have agreed that fostering a respectful and inclusive learning environment – one which also recognizes academic freedom – is of the utmost importance, we consider all outstanding issues in dispute resolved, and no further commentary will be offered.”


Un message de remerciements de Rima (ou Bambi) en ce congé de l’Action de Grâce pour vous tous/toutes!

A Thanksgiving message from Rima (or Bambi) to all of you!

Many thanks CAUT/ACCPU for “supporting the Mount Allison Faculty Association (MAFA) in the grievance of Rima Azar, associate professor of psychology”!

Merci CAUT/ACCPU du fond du coeur!


Please Consider Supporting My Personal Defence Fund
S’il vous plaît envisagez de me soutenir en faisant un don à mon fonds de défense personnelle

Many thanks from the bottom of my heart/Merci du fond du coeur!

My video message in English, French, and Arabic

In English:

In French:

In Arabic:

Mr. Jean-Marc Khawam interviewed Dr. Rima Azar for his Entredeux Podcast (Paris, France). Bambi/Rima le remercie pour cette discussion fort enrichissante pour elle!

Dr. Patanjali (or Pat) Kambhampati: Bambi was honoured to interview you!

Mr. Eric Cervone’s “Honest Offense”: RimaAzar/Bambi was honoured to be interviewed by you!

Bambi was delighted and honoured to be interviewed by Professor Ora Itkin, along with Dr. Timothy Jackson!

Openspace with Ora: “Coffeehouse “Yallah”– with Dr. Rima Azar, a caffeinated conversation of two middle eastern emigrants”

Many thanks Ora for our heart-to-heart “caffeinated conversation of two middle eastern emigrants“. I was BOTH honoured and delighted to be your guest for the second time. I had much fun at our Coffeehouse “Yallah” :). Thank you!

Thank you, Dr. Frances Widdowson for having interviewed Bambi (Rima Azar) on your “Rational Space Disputations” platform!

Bambi/Rima will forever be grateful for your kindness Frances and for the support of the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarship (SAFS) back in February 22, 2021 (a big thank you to Dr. Mark Mercer, SAFS President and to all the Board members, including yourself). Last but surely not least, and from the bottom of her heart, Bambi wishes you all the best in your own arbitration!

CUPE 3912, April 2022 Newsletter: “Defending academic freedom” by Rima Azar (guest post)

The following text was posted on Bambi’s blog (April 19, 2022):

Bambi is very thankful and honoured to have been invited by CUPE 3912 to write an article on academic freedom in its latest newsletter (https://cupe3912.ca/documents/the-instructor/). Her article was authored/in press prior to the settlement of her arbitration process.

From this union’s website, you can read that “CUPE 3912 is Nova Scotia’s largest university union, proudly representing 3000+ precarious academic workers in 4 bargaining units at Dalhousie University (Dal), Mount Saint Vincent University (MSVU), and Saint Mary’s University (SMU)” (https://cupe3912.ca/about/).

Bambi (or Rima Azar)’s article appears in the April 2022 edition of the Instructor‘s newsletter of CUPE 3912 on pages 2, 3, and 4: https://newsletter.cupe3912.ca/2022-04–CUPE3912_Newsletter.pdf

As a reminder, both the About Page of Bambi’s Afkar’s blog and Dr. Rima Azar personal website (https://rimaazar.ca/) include the following words about the settlement of her arbitration process:

Thank you for your heart-warming support

Merci du fond du cœur pour votre soutien chaleureux

ENGLISH (Le français suit…!)

Hello everyone:

Many thanks, from the bottom of my heart, for your heart-warming continuous support over the past 14 months.

It is your generosity that contributed to making the resolution of my arbitration process possible in the form of a confidential settlement.

Last but not least, I would like to thank my great lawyer, Max, for his outstanding legal counsel throughout my journey.

Below you can find the official statement for the settlement, as released in emails by the university and the union.

Thanks again,

Rima Azar, PhD [or Bambi on her blog]

“Mount Allison University, the Mount Allison Faculty Association and Professor Rima Azar (the “Parties”) are announcing today that all matters in dispute between them have been resolved. 

 The University received student complaints and took these complaints seriously pursuant to the Policy on Workplace Harassment and the Anti-Racism Policy. The Parties agree that these processes are important and complaints of this nature from our students need to be taken seriously. 

 Where all parties have agreed that fostering a respectful and inclusive learning environment – one which also recognizes academic freedom – is of the utmost importance, we consider all outstanding issues in dispute resolved, and no further commentary will be offered.”


Bonjour tout le monde:

Un grand merci, du fond du cœur, pour votre soutien continu et chaleureux au cours des 14 derniers mois.

C’est votre générosité qui a contribué à rendre possible la résolution de mon processus d’arbitrage sous la forme d’un règlement confidentiel.

Enfin et surtout, je tiens à remercier mon excellent avocat, Me Max, pour ses conseils juridiques exceptionnels tout au long de mon parcours.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le communiqué officiel du règlement tel que publié par courriel par l’université et le syndicat.

Merci encore,

Rima Azar, PhD [ou Bambi sur son blog]

“Mount Allison University, the Mount Allison Faculty Association and Professor Rima Azar (the “Parties”) are announcing today that all matters in dispute between them have been resolved. 

 The University received student complaints and took these complaints seriously pursuant to the Policy on Workplace Harassment and the Anti-Racism Policy. The Parties agree that these processes are important and complaints of this nature from our students need to be taken seriously. 

 Where all parties have agreed that fostering a respectful and inclusive learning environment – one which also recognizes academic freedom – is of the utmost importance, we consider all outstanding issues in dispute resolved, and no further commentary will be offered.”

“Teaching just happened to me”: An inspiring chat with Ora Itkin, pianist and music professor!

National Post & Edmonton Journal, Columnists Section, Rima Azar: “Opinion: Little good will come from adding race to driver’s licences”



Camrosevoice & Troymedia (+ Western Standard, in press), Azar/Milke column entitled ““Asking “Where are you from?” is not inherently racist


Entrevue, Radio-Canada, Fête des mères en 2023: santé mentale maternelle [French CBC, Mothers’ Day, 2023 Interview: Maternal Mental Health”]

“La chercheuse Rima Azar, psychologue et professeure associée à l’Université Mount Allison au Nouveau-Brunswick, s’intéresse aux liens entre la santé mentale des mères et la santé de leur nourrisson. À l’occasion de la fête des mères, on discute avec elle de ses recherches et des connaissances actuelles au sujet de la dépression post-partum, notamment”.

“Researcher, Psychologist and Associate Professor at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick, Rima Azar is interested in the links between maternal prenatal mental health and their infants’ health. For Mothers Day, we discussed with her about her research and current knowledge about postpartum depression”.


The 1867 Project: Why Canada should be cherished, not cancelled

The link below includes excerpts from this highly recommended new book (edited by Dr. Mark Milke), meant to celebrate Canada, as well as four 2-minute-promotional videos. I am honoured and delighted to be one of the 20 book authors.

Thank you Mr. Terence Corcoran for reviewing “The 1867 Project” and Mr. Aaron Gunn for interviewing Dr. Mark Milke (Editor)!

Canada Day Panel: True North’s Andrew Lawton interviewed Dr. Mark Milke (Editor, The 1967 Project & President, Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy), Dr. Lynn MacDonald (a Professor Emerita & a former NDP Member of Parliament), and myself

Second Street’s Colin Craig interviewed Drs. Mark Milke and Rima Azar: “Are we seeing the erosion of our Canadian values?”

Troy Media & Camrose Voice published excerpts from Rima Azar’s chapter on identity politics in the book “The 1867 Project: Why Canada Should be Cherished– Not Cancelled ”

Rima Azar, for the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy, in The Western Standard, October 7, 2023

You can also read this article in the Western Standard by Guest Columnist Rima Azar:


Mr. Tart Vader: “Cancel Culture and Political Correctness/ Dr. Rima Azar

Thank you Mr. Tart Vader, from Pangburn, for you outstanding questions, thoughtful insights, and active listening skills. Bambi enjoyed chatting with you a lot!

Happy Canada Day 2024: “Identity politics destroys the unity of a country” by David Hunt and Rima Azar in the Epoch Times

Health Matters: Bambi’s chat with Pat [or Mr. Patrick Georgevitch]

“Lost and Found”: Bravo Dr. Mark D’Souza for your thought-provoking and elegantly written book, Bambi is honoured to interview you!

Mark D’Souza, MD: sharing his FB Book launch event and National Post’s column on how wokeism in medicine “threatens core principles of medical expertise”!

Bambi was honoured to be the invited guest in the FB live book event of Dr. Mark D’Souza. She so much enjoyed the chat with Josh (MC) and Mark (Author). Bravo again Dr. D’Souza for your inspiring book, entitled “Lost and FoundHow Meaningless Living is Destroying Us and Three Keys to Fix It” (https://shorturl.at/MQuS7)!

Last but not least, MANY thanks to Mark D’Souza, MD, for his thoughtful and highly important NP column, which can be found here: https://shorturl.at/xFNDz.


  1. Dear Rima,

    I have spent many hours and days reading, watching, and listening to everything on your vlog. I can tell you that “my heart is shattering in pieces” because I never thought of something like that would happen to you.

    Not only knowing you as a caring and wonderful hearted human being, you love helping others when they are in need. I always remember what you have done for me when I first met you UHN hospital Toronto. Its so awful to hear that they have been suspended you for several monthsss… without pay UNDER NO JUSTIFICATION. It seems like there is lack of ethics in the university governance level. Oh wow… no wonder why nowadays people have no trust in any formal institutions. Hope they compensate you for all the struggles you have been through emotionally, mentally, socially and the negative impact that has on your reputation.

    As conclusion, I condemn any sort of Violence&Hate, mental abuse (directly or indirectly), discrimination, racism and defamation of other people to build their selves reputations and careers to make themselves look good on others. By going through that atrocious situation in your life, I see you as a solid rock to carry on with your daily routine. Be strong my dearest friend Bambi and you are not alone!

    NB: Remember these are just pitfalls, take the negative experience as a booster to continue doing what you are doing. Keep your eyes on the prize Rima!


    1. DEAREST Smith, I am moved beyond words by your beautiful message that I saw only now! Thank you for taking the time to read Bambi’s blog and for publicly supporting me. Your note means the world to me, especially that it comes from such an inspiring man!! A brother in humanity that I am honoured to call a friend for life. Bless your heart and that kindness in it. Bless you and all your loved ones wherever they are right now. I know where you will always be, regardless of our different provinces now… in Bambi’s/Rima’s heart forever :)! Much love from the Maritimes, Rima

  2. Dr. Azar,
    I am appalled by the actions taken. It seem the inmates are running the Mad House.
    I wish we could cancel those who cancel others. There is no reason to strike out at anyone’s opinion. As a straight white christian man in Texas I expect that what I say would be marginalized. I would like to thank you for your candor. Never give in to the Godless. They are lost and have no purpose. To blind to see that one day they will be canceled by the same machine. Love your spirit!

    1. I just saw your very kind comment full of humanity, Anon. Sorry for that delay. Thank you so much for taking the time to reach out to me; from out of Texas, wow! Yes, may freedom of expression, respect for all opinions, AND love (yes love, not just tolerance) prevail in our world, in our respective beautiful countries, and in the entire world. You take good care, please. Rima

  3. Hi Rima,
    I am a Mount Allison Student and we just received word that your arbitration with the school has concluded. I am really happy to hear that you were able to reach an agreement with the school and I hope the deal was adequate. As a student at Mount Allison I want to say that there are many students who support you and we are ashamed that you were suspended without pay.
    All the Best, MTA student

    1. Dear MtA student, I am SO DEEPLY moved by your kind comment (more than you can ever imagine…). THANK you from the bottom of my heart; you and all the supportive students too who took the time and had the courage to write letters and emails. Good luck with your final exams. Take good care please! Rima

  4. Dear dr. Rima Azar,

    I have first heard about your story from Jordan Peterson´s podcast. It was incredibly moving and shocking. Listening to what happened to you felt disturbingly familiar. I learned about similar treatment in history classes about the communist regime in Czechoslovakia. As a czech, I always wondered why so few people stood up to the regime and I always wished that one of those people were me. You are one of those few courageous people who stood up. It is incredibly inspiring to see your kindness, humanity and strength in face of the hateful, vitriolic mob.
    I wish you the best and I hope you will prevail on your way through the sludge of perverse morals!

    With kind regards,

    1. Dear Jan (Novotný):
      Please feel free to call me Rima (or even Bambi), if you wish.
      I am VERY moved by your message, more than you can ever imagine… Thank you SO much for your support and for sharing all this.
      We obviously share the same values. In my turn, please allow me to salute your courage in the form of daily resilience, which made you survive this sad period of history while (successfully) remaining filled with integrity, humanity, and kindness. What an achievement! For me, it is precisely humanity and kindness that move my heart the most in life. Thank you again for taking the time to write to me.
      You take good care please,

  5. Dear Rima, dear Dr. Azar
    I just listened to and watched your interview with Jordan Peterson. Anyone listening to you speak or looking into your face with an open heart and with the slightest bit of a soul left knows without a doubt that you are a sincere, compassionate and truthful person. I am also amazed how seriously you take thanking people. I wish you success with the legal or administrative proceedings in front of you. May your soul be protected, بالتوفيق, que Dieu bénisse.

    1. Dear Achim (or Mr. Wollmershäuser), I am DEEPLY moved by your kind words. Thank you for your humanity that moves my heart!
      MANY thanks for your generosity (donation) too. How thoughtful of you to also kindly take the time to write a supportive public comment, along with it and a personalized note here.
      I must add that I am touched by your kind efforts of writing your best wishes in Arabic [well written, bravo to you :)].
      Merci bien et que le bon Dieu vous bénisse aussi. Take good care and, once again, Vielen Dank (“a sheynem dank”, if you happen to understand this… or more simply thank you very much)!

      1. Wow, yes, I understood it 🙂 It means “thank you very much”, literally “a beautiful thank you” in Yiddish. Your knowledge of languages is amazing! Die Gedanken sind frei!😊🙏🤲

  6. Dear Dr. Azar, I recently found out about your story, and although I’m not an academic or student myself I found it very saddening to hear what you’ve gone through. I truly hope for everything to work out and that this never happens to you or anyone else. As a fellow Lebanese I found your story very relatable and share the principle of treating everyone with respect and dignity regardless of race, religion, political alignment, etc… Even though I’m a young person and still have so much learning to do in all facets of life, one thing I haven’t changed my mind about and believe won’t change is that no one should ever have the power to take away people’s freedom of expression, and especially not through the means of threatening their careers and livelihoods. I’m very concerned with the current political and ideological landscape, and I just wanted to say that you have my support.

    1. Dear Ramzi, nice to virtually meet you. THANK you very much for your very thoughtful comment (so much wisdom at a young age, bravo) as well as for your kindness. We share the same values about the right to freedom of expression for all and respect (treating everyone with respect). You take good care please and thanks again for your humanity and public support that I cherish more than you can ever think (merci/shoukran!). Rima.

  7. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Rima – from myself, my children, and my children’s children.

    I am deeply saddened by what has become of freedom of speech in Canada’s universities. And I am deeply saddened that you had to get caught up in this unnecessary and unjust storm.

    But, I am also deeply grateful for your continued use of the freedom of speech, and for your decision to defend yourself. I am also thankful for CAUT’s defence of your case.

    My thoughts are especially with you at this time, as students and faculty have now returned to classrooms across the country. Your absence affects us all. We are less without you.

    Stay strong, and keep fighting the good fight! Many, many New Brunswickers and Canadians are thinking of you, praying for you, and wishing you well.

    1. I am DEEPLY moved by your kind words of support, Wayne (Cullen). I am also honoured! Yes, thanks again to CAUT and many thanks to you from the bottom of my heart, Rima.

      1. Hello Rima,

        I just heard your talk with JP. Although it won’t provide much material benefit, I wanted to at least let you know how frustrated I was listening to your story. I wish I was in a position to be able to do more and to help defend you and others which have been unfairly treated due to ignorance and fear. I don’t have much money nor influence but I too stand with you and with the greater cause for which you suffer for. It is of greater importance than I think we realize at the moment but in time we’ll all see how consequential this type of thing really is.


        1. Hello Luis, MANY thanks from the bottom of my heart! I believe you have the most powerful double defence tool in the world (especially when we add to it the precious ingredient of courage): your heart-mind. Thank you for your humanity! You are helping me more than you think. Indeed, I so much appreciate both your time listening to this interview and your KIND public support! You take good care please. Rima

  8. Dr. Azar,
    Sorry to hear of your circumstances. You are clearly a victim of “wokism” on steroids. I am also a “left winger” that is finding little room for me on the left, as the left has become irrational and too mean spirited for me. I am extremely concerned that what has happened to you and others is just waiting for many more of us to devour.
    I have two quotes for you that might be of use.
    “Convictions {beliefs] are more dangerous foes of truth than lies.” – Nietzsche
    “When your going through hell…keep going.” Churchill

    1. Dear Dr. Dorward, I am very moved in addition to being honoured by your beautiful comment on my personal blog. THANK you also for sharing these inspiring quotes! Rima

  9. So disappointed in the total lack of reason displayed by the university. Astonishing, and terribly sad and frightening. Thank you for your courage. I will be writing a letter to the university.

  10. Hello Rima,
    I just wanted to say that I am so sorry about what you are going through. I have written to your university on your behalf and wish you all the best. You are stronger than they think and you will overcome them.
    Praying for you,

    Lots of love and best wishes,
    London, England, UK

    1. I am both honoured AND deeply touched by your kind words Claire. MANY thanks for taking the time to write a letter of support to my university’s administration… all the way from London (England/UK)! Much love, in addition to gratitude, back to you! Rima

  11. Hi Dr. Azar!
    I have been following your story in the media, and send my best wishes.
    There are other professionals who are going through similar situations and I would like to see all of you network with one another. The story of Daniel Elder is so similar to yours, a bright, hard-working person who has had enough of the egregious behavior of the cancel culture mob.
    We are all stronger together, that’s why I chipped $20.
    Best wishes,
    Daisy Oliveros

    1. Thank you Ms. Oliveros (or Daisy, if I may). Many thanks again for your generosity and for also taking the time to honour me with a comment on my personal website. I appreciate your kind and supportive words more than you think. THANKS also for sharing the story of Mr. Daniel Elder. I just read about his ordeal. I will surely do more readings and keep an eye on his story. What a sad story and bravo to him for knowing how to say no to violence in life and for his dignity/integrity. As for you, I will repeat it again: Thank you from the bottom of my heart! Rima

  12. Hola!!
    Imposed tolerante its becoming the worst illness arround the world as fake activism due to it’s in wrong hands! Fortunately nobody needs to fight for the truth that’s different than reality!
    I saw what happened in Mount Allison and wish you the best!!

  13. Copy of message sent to your university’s administrator:

    After hearing of Dr. Azar in her interview with Jordan Peterson, I am disturbed by the overreaction by the University over her blog post comments. Her suspension comes across as kowtowing to the whims of a small minority of activists. As we’ve seen in other institutions, this creates a climate of stifling the free expression of ideas among both professors and students, which ultimately undermines the educational process. I’d like to see the University have the courage to take a more moderate, merciful stance regarding Dr. Azar’s incident.

    1. MANY thanks Jeff for kindly sharing your straightforward, strong letter of support! Thank you for taking the time to write to my university’s administration! Rima

  14. Chère Rima,

    Having just learned of your plight know that I support your position and wish you best of luck in righting the wrongs you’ve been subjected to.

    Best Regards from Montreal,

    André Parent

    1. Comme c’est gentil de votre part; Merci Monsieur (ou Docteur?) Parent! Your words of support mean the world to me. Oui, vos mots me font chaud au coeur! MERCI infiniment! Rima

  15. You are a very capable and courageous woman and I want to leave a message of support from Portugal to you
    I deeply regret that you ended up in a country you thought as free and are being forced to silence your opinions.
    Mount Allison will possibly be remembered by all the wrong reasons. Try to get the hell out of there to a real teaching institution, instead of a KGB afilliate. There’s something very wrong going on there and I hope those people will be sent to justice and the government shoud enquiry to what’s going on there.
    I wish you all the best and a better job than your previous one
    Best regards

    1. “Obrigada” Rosalinda– wow all the way from Portugal! THANKS for taking the time to write those kind words about me to show me your support. I am moved by your kindness, particularly because it comes from you across the miles! Rima

  16. Dear Dr Azar

    I have heard you talking with JBP and seen your blog and website.

    You appear to be a fine human being who respects others, cares for your native and adopted countries, understands nuance and who can use words precisely.

    I’m sure you are aware that a person’s psychology affects their ability to be objective and correctly understand nuanced statements.

    I agree with the person who commented on the important difference between something existing in a “systematic” vs “aberrational” form and that people and media outlets are blurring the distinction.

    There can also be an important difference between the laudability of a humanitarian cause, and the laudability of some actions of an organisation which is understood to support it. Expressing concern for specific actions of an organisation is not the same thing as being against the humanitarian cause it is recognised as supporting.

    Needless to say, I wish you well for the future.

    From Phil

    1. Many thanks Phil for your VERY kind and supportive words. I am deeply touched by your comment that I posted on Bambi’s blog too (since it has a reply to a reader who will be happy too to see it :)). Merci/Thank you! Rima.

  17. Stay strong Dr. Azar. You will prevail and you have the support of the majority of Canadians. It’s a disgrace what has happened to you. I am happy to contribute to your legal fund and have written to the University president to encourage you to be reinstated and apologized to.
    I also encouraged the University to inspect the mission statement, pledge and principles of FAIR – Foundation against Intolerance & Racism, recently formed in the US.
    Warmest wishes from Victoria BC.
    Tony Webster PhD.

    1. MANY thanks Dr. Webster for your generous support and for your time in writing the letter. Thank you for sharing the information about the FAIR principles. I am both honoured and grateful for your kind support and warm wishes! Rima

  18. The progressive left does not believe anything it does is “wrong”. Their reasoning is “Our cause is so noble, whatever means we use to accomplish it is not only permissible, but also laudable.” Therefore actions such as silencing those who disagree with you, cancelling people’s careers because they have an opinion contrary to yours and even outright violence [such as the kinds of rioting and property destruction we’ve seen in places like Portland] become “acts of heroism on behalf of the glorious cause!” If no one stands up against this kind of fascist ideology, then everyone loses. Mount Allison should be deeply ashamed of their cowardly actions.

    1. Many thanks Kenneth (Jenkins) for taking the time to share your thoughtful insights, for your call for both courage and wisdom, and for your kind support. Rima

  19. Chère Dr. Azar,

    Je vous trouve extrêmement courageuse de tenir tête aussi dignement à vos bourreaux. Que Dieu continue de veiller sur vous.

  20. Copy of letter sent to Mount Allison

    Dr. Jean-Paul Boudreau,
    Mr. Robert Inglis

    I am writing in regard to the egregious treatment of the professor, Dr. Rima Azar.

    You have been entrusted with the direction of an institution of higher learning, and, as such, are privileged to play a role in forming the minds of tomorrow’s leaders.

    The lessons you are bestowing upon your students are:

    -there is only one opinion, and dogma rules
    -knee jerk reactions are laudable
    -there is no freedom to think out loud, even in one’s private life,
    -debate is unnecessary, mob mentality is so much better
    -due process is unnecessary, assuming guilt is more expedient
    -slander outweighs evidence
    -the proper way to counter a private opinion is via public pillorying
    -never talk to a person you disagree with; always escalate the issue first
    -critical thinking is unnecessary, context is irrelevant

    I can guarantee that these are not learning outcomes expected by Mount Allison’s Alumni, Board of Governors, your province’s taxpayers, or any right thinking individual. In addition, Mount Allison will have great difficulty attracting stellar instructors in the future due to the toxic, fear driven atmosphere of your creation.

    If the above lessons were applied in the private sector, it would be your careers in jeopardy, and certainly not that of Dr. Rami Azar.

    Marion Bacon
    Kamloops, BC

    Best wishes to a brave lady. Canada’s silenced majority is behind you!

    1. Dear Marion (Bacon), MANY thanks for your strong letter of support! I appreciate you sharing it with me and I am very grateful for your kind words. Warm regards from the East Coast all the way to you in Kamloops, BC! Rima

  21. I have emailed Dr. Boudreau and Mr. Inglis in advocation for you, stating I am appalled by the cowardice of administration and demanding you receive an apology and recompense should the allegations be revealed as disproportionate, unfounded, or malicious. I wish you blessings moving forward!

  22. Dear Dr. Rima Azar,

    I hope you are doing well.

    My name is Jakub, and I am writing this letter to show my support for you and voice my disapproval of Mount Allison University’s decision to suspend you without pay. Your story is really sad and heart-breaking, it resonated with me and made me feel sympathy for you which propelled me to write this letter of support.

    I just listened to your interview with Dr. Jordan Peterson. Based on the interview, I think you are a well-educated, humble, and kindhearted human being. I do not think you did anything wrong and you should have your job back immediately.

    As a Candiain citizen, I am absolutely appalled at the decision to suspend you without pay. The Mount Allison University president, administration, faculty and staff should be ashamed of themselves for not supporting you and not defending the right for free-speech in an academic institution where freedom of speech and thought should be protected.

    Like yourself I am also an immigrant to Canada from the Middle East. Here is a bit of my life story, I was born in Bakhadida which is a small Christian village located near the City of Mosul in northern Iraq. That area is part of northern Iraq and it was taken by ISIS in 2014 until its liberation years later. My family immigrated to Canada in 2005. My family came to Canada because my parents were looking for a better life for us. After arriving to Canada, I went to high-school and then studied Mechanical Engineering at McMaster University in Ontario. I am currently working and that seems to be going well so far.

    One of the unclear and vague complaints against you is that you argued that Canada is not systemically racist. I happen to agree with this idea, I do not think Canada is systemically racist country and I was really disappointed when our PM Tr[udeau] mentioned that. For example, look at my life trajectory, I came here with my family and started pretty much with from zero, and after working hard for few years, I have a job and life seems to be going relatively well so far. I know our country is not perfect, we have many problems that we can work on, however I do not think Canada is systemically racist.

    It saddens me to see what is happening in our society from the erosion of free speech, the prevail of mob mentality on social media, group think, to the raise of cancel culture. I hope we can return to normalcy soon.

    Finally, I hope that your interview gets much more views and more attention. In addition, I hope you get your job back and win your legal fight against the university. I wish you the all the best with you current dispute and future endeavors.

    I will send this letter to Mount Allison University as well.

    Stay strong Dr. Rima.

    With love and support from Mississauga, Ontario, Canada


    1. Dear Jakub, I am DEEPLY moved by your story; Shoukran/thank you for sharing it. Bravo to you/your family for making it safely to Canada and for your impressive accomplishments: Mechanical Engineering and how you positioned yourself (I am happy all is well with you)! I am happy to often see my fellow immigrants having the same experience as I do. This being said, I am both grateful and honoured by your support. THANK you!!Rima

  23. This is what I’ve sent to Dr. Jean-Paul Boudreau:
    Mr. Robert Inglis, VP, Finance & Administration:
    Dear Dr. Jean-Paul Boudreau & Mr. Robert Inglis

    I write with alarm and concern about how you are treating Dr Azar at Mount Allison University.
    You have suspended her without pay for accusations you make against her that are spurious, unclear, permanently damage her professional and personal reputation, and all are related to her personal blog which in no way claimed to represent the University. By your actions she is deemed guilty and forced to prove her innocence. This is an offence of natural law and the rule of law.
    She is struggling to raise funds from strangers to defend herself. She is without income and prevented from working and entering your campus.
    What sort of University do you preside over? It appears to be a prima facie case of a University where prejudice, intolerance, fear and abuse of power reign.
    Is this really how you wish to advertise yourself to the world? The cliche is that all publicity is good publicity, but this will not be true when you realise the negative reputation your University will be labelled with for decades to come.
    Please admit your University’s mistakes as the public would admire and respect that action.
    Please reinstate Dr Azar now.

    best regards
    Diana M Smith
    from Wales UK

    1. Dear Diana (M Smith)– wow all the way from Wales, UK. MANY thanks for taking the time to write a letter to Mount Allison University and for sharing it with me. I SO MUCH appreciate your kindness and strong support!! Rima

  24. Hello, I write from Wales UK, and I have just listened to your interview with the awesome Dr J B Peterson. I feel for you very deeply as you have been unreasonably punished for voicing your opinion on your personal blog. I do not understand how this act impacts on your professional role; I believe that people have a life outside work. Your University has found you guilty as they have suspended you without pay, they have ruined your professional and personal reputation. It appears that you are unclear as to the allegations against you – this is wholly unjust. I know you know all of this but I wanted to state the obvious here. Fight them, even if you fight alone without the support of your colleagues, just fight! Stay well and I wish you peace and every success.

  25. Dear Dr Azar,
    As I started typing, your name was autocorrected from Azar to Star. You are a star, shining in the sky. So many people support you. You are in a terrible situation, but everyone can see that you are right and the small-minded bureaucrats are completely wrong. You are fighting a noble and important cause. The dangerous thing about the attacks on you is that they are so ridiculous, petty and trivial. It is an attempt by frightened bureaucrats to dictate what you and others can say… on anything. But the issue at stake is not trivial. It is the future of Western universities. Stay strong! All decent academics who believe in freedom of speech are behind you. Greetings from Manchester in the UK.
    Best wishes,

    1. Dear Prof Alaric (Searle), I am both very moved and amused by your kind comment :). Indeed, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your strong support. All the way from Manchester, UK… what an honour for me! Thank you SO much!! Rima

  26. Thanks much to you and JP for sharing the important ideas that thinking and speech should be free. Keep up the fight.
    Jonny in Seoul

    1. Many thanks Johnny (B-H) for your kind comment about Dr. Peterson, myself, and most significantly about your support of free thinking and free expression! This is our collective fight all of us, as human beings. Your note is much appreciated, especially because it comes from as far as Seoul, wow! Rima

  27. Greetings from TN!

    Just a quick note of encouragement. There are many many MANY people who have heard of your plight over the last few weeks. ( I myself have mentioned your story to a few others just in the last few days). Fight the good fight, keep the faith. There are many of us who are concerned about the freedom of expression and the gobsmacking cowardice of those in charge of various institutions. Their quickness to bend the knee to the woke totalitarians is disgraceful.
    There are many who cheering for you and praying for you! I am one of those.

    1. Hello Tatar (from TN, if I understand well, wow!), I am deeply moved by your kind words. Thank your for your amazing support and prayers too. Highly appreciated! You take good care, please. Rima.

  28. Dr. Azar,

    Please continue your fight against what is happening to you at this University. You are an inspiring person and I full hearted support your cause.
    Fear cannot be allowed to silence good, sensible people from doing what is right. So it is because of people like you that I have found inspiration to pick up the pen and again and write about what I believe in without allowing the fear of being attacked hold me back any longer.

    Thank you Dr.

    1. Dear Toby (or Mr. Kolada), MANY thanks for your kind and supportive support.Your comment means the world to me: I am honoured by what you shared! All the best to you and bravo/thank you for your courage and perseverance. I would love to read you :)! Rima

  29. Dear Rima
    I was heartbroken watching your talk with Dr. JP. It’s repulsive to see all the hard work and dedication of an honorable professor thrown out of the window. Forcing you to defend your integrity while many voices that should be supporting you are cowardly silent.
    As a Christian, this reminds me of when crowds were chanting “Crucify him” to Pilate (concerning Jesus) and many voices, even those who knew better, were silent. Just so you know, though our voices may be insignificant and less powerful, just know that we are with you and hold you in high esteem. You are standing for us. You are not alone. Keep fighting for what you believe in. True heroes are unrecognized but virilized during their time. You are one of them.

    1. Dear Marcellin, I am BOTH deeply touched and honoured by your kind and compassionate words! Your comment, with your example, is so deep and meaningful. I touches Bambi’s heart in so many ways. MANY thanks for your humanity!! Rima

  30. Thank you, Dr. Azar. You are a proud Canadian, and, as one born in Pictou County, I am ashamed of Mount A.

    1. Dear Margaret (or Ms. Agnew), I am very moved by your kindness. THANK you for seeing in me the proud Canadian [and Maritimer :)] that I am! Greetings to you and to the/our beautiful Pictou County (NS) where you were born. Rima

  31. Hi Rima,
    I guess more people from outside of Canada would be able to support you if a paypal option was available on your gofundme page.
    Stay strong.

    With love and support.


    1. Many thanks Pawel for your great idea. Unfortunately, Go Fund Me does not have this option (it only exists for certified charity fundraisers). However, if you would like to either make a donation yourself or to advertise it in your circle, I can happily and gratefully accept private donations (you can see my email in the contact of this website). MANY thank for your kind and supportive words. I send my love back to you as well as to the UK :)! Rima

    2. Now is the time to stand up to those destroying the West. We need large scale organizers. You are deemed unsafe to young people for saying they need to think freely…it is surreal.

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