SELECT PUBLICATIONS (** underlined names indicate trainees)
- Ryan D., Azar R., Doucet S., Luke A. (2021; accepted for publication). Conduct disorder: A review of the literature and the impact on caregivers. Healthy populations.
- Gorter J.W., Amaria K., Kovacs K.H., Rozenblum R., Thabane L., Galuppi B., Nguyen L., Strohm S., Mahlberg N., Via-Dufreshne Ley A., Marelli A. on behalf of the CHILD-BRIGHT ReadyorNotTM Brain-Based Disabilities Trial Study group (2021). Protocol of the CHILD-BRIGHT ReadyorNotTM Brain-Based Disabilities Trial: A randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) investigating the effectiveness of a patient-facing e-health intervention designed to enhance health care transition readiness in youth. BMJ Open 9 (1-9)
- Richard J., Azar R., Doucet S., & Luke A. (2021). Patient and Family Advisory Councils: A guide to their development and ongoing implementation. Journal of Patient Experience 7(6): 1-6 (First Published Online with an open-access:
- Azar. R., Doucet S., Horsman A.R., Charlton P., Luke A., Nagel D.A., Hyndman N., & Montelpare W.J. (2020). A concept analysis of children with complex health conditions: implications for research and practice. BMC Pediatrics 20:251 Open Access (2-11).
- Doucet S., Curran J., Breneol S., Luke A., Dionne E., Azar R., Reid A., McKibbon S., Horsman A.R., Binns K. (2020). Programs to support transition in care for children and youth with complex care needs and their families: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open (1-6).
- Reid A., Doucet S., Luke A., Azar R., & Horsman A.R. (2019). The impact of patient navigation: A scoping review protocol. The JBI Database for Systematic Reviews and Implementation Reports, 17(6): 10-79-1085. doi:10.11124/JBISRIR-2017-003958.
- Doucet, S., Luke A., Splane J., & Azar R. (2019). Patient navigation as an approach to improve the integration of care: The case of NaviCare/SoinsNavi. Journal of Integrated Care.
- Mungall L., Azar R., Doucet S., Luke A. (2019) Effectiveness of resilience intervention for children with complex care needs: A systematic review. Registration phase available from:
- Charlton P., Doucet S., Azar R. et al. (2019). The use of the environmental scan in health services delivery research: A scoping review protocol. BMJ Open; 9(9) 2029805. Published online ahead of print, doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029805
- Luke A., Doucet S., & Azar R. (2018). An environmental scan of pediatric navigation models in Canada. Pediatric and Child Health, 1-10. Published ahead of print in 2017: doi: 10.1093/pch/pxx176
- Charlton P., Azar R., Luke A., Doucet S., Montelpare W., Nagel D., & Hyndman N. (2017). Falling through the cracks: Barriers to accessing services for children with complex health conditions and their families in New Brunswick. Journal of New Brunswick Studies, 8, 133-58. Published online:
- Doucet S., Nagel D., Azar R., Montelpare W.J., Charlton P., Hyndman L., Luke A. & Stoddard R. (2017). A mixed-methods Quick Strike research protocol to learn about children with complex health conditions and their families. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 16: 1-12, DOI: 10.1177/1609406917731426.
- Azar R.,Doucet S., Luke A., Charlton P., Hyndman N., MacCallum S., Kim PDH., & Montelpare W.J. (2016, Oct., published abstract). Children with complex health conditions: Linking the pieces of the puzzle prior to the creation of a patient and family navigation centre (New Brunswick, Canada). Online Supplement of the European Journal of Pediatrics. 175 1501. doi: 10.1007/s00431-016-2785-8
- Azar R., Blacquiere M., Letourneau N., Bélanger M., & Sermer M (2015, Nov., published abstract). Are maternal prenatal smoking and perceived stress associated with umbilical cord C-reative protein? A pilot study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 66: 33. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2015.07.480. Epub 2015.
- Lewis, J. & Azar, R. (2015). The prevalence of depressive symptoms in men post-miscarriage: A review of the literature. Journal of Men’s Health; 11(5): 8-13.
- Wasylkiw, L., Holton, J., Cook, B., & Azar, R. (2015). The impact of mindfulness on leadership in a health care setting: A pilot study. Journal of Health Organization and Management; 29(7): 893-911.
- Tryphanopoulos PD, Letourneau N, & Azar R. (2014). Approaches to salivary cortisol collection and analysis in infants. Biological Research for Nursing; 00(0): 1-11. First published online on October 16 2013, doi:10.1177/1099800413507128.
- Azar R. & Mercer D. (2013). Mild depression symptoms are associated with elevated C-reactive protein and pro-inflammatory cytokines during early to midgestation: A pilot prospective study. Journal of Women’s Health; 22(4): 385-389.
- Azar R. & Singer D. (2012). Maternal prenatal state anxiety symptoms and birth weight: A pilot study. Central European Journal of Medicine; 7(6): 747-752. doi:10.2478/s11536-012-0078-9.
- Azar R., Nolan R., & Steward DE. (2012). Listening to the heart-brain talk: Persistent depressive symptoms are associated with hsCRP in apparently healthy individuals at high risk for coronary artery disease. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology, first published online before print on July 5, 2011.
- Azar R. & Richard A. (2011). Elevated salivary C-reactive protein levels are associated with active and passive smoking in healthy youth with no periodontal disease: A pilot study. Journal of Inflammation, 8(37), published online ahead of print on December 7, 2011.
- Azar R., Paquette D., & Stewart DE. (2010). Prenatal tobacco exposure (PTE) and cortisol levels in infants of teen mothers. Journal of Perinatal Medicine; 38(6): 689-692 & published online on August 13, 2010.
- Azar R., Paquette D., Zoccolillo M., Baltzer F., & Tremblay (2007). The association of major depression, conduct disorder, and maternal overcontrol with a failure to show a cortisol buffered response in four-month-old infants of teenage mothers. Biological Psychiatry; 62(6): 573-579. Note: This article was chosen by the journal for a press release announcement: The paper has been identified by the Editors as “one with important findings that will be especially valuable for the community“. The Editors issued a press release upon publication. The impact factor of this journal is of 9.247 with an acceptance rate of about 15%. In the 2011 ISI Journal Citations Reports® published by Thompson Reuters, this journal ranked 5th out of 129 Psychiatry titles and 16th out of 243 Neurosciences titles.
- Azar R., Zoccolillo M., Paquette D., Quiros E., Baltzer F., & Tremblay RE. (2004). Cortisol levels and conduct disorder in adolescent mothers. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; 43(4): 461-468. Note: This article generated (favourable) commentary by two leading experts, Drs. Pajer K. & Gardner W. “Commentary: Cortisol levels and conduct disorder in adolescent mothers“, pages 469-472. This study was the first on conduct disorder and cortisol levels in high-risk families (e.g., teen mothers). This paper was the third in the literature on women’s antisocial behaviour and cortisol levels (Pajer’s work was the first one).
- Paquette D., Zoccolillo M., Bigras M., Labelle ME, Azar R, & Emery J. (2004). A comparative study of parental sensitivity between three groups of adolescent mothers. Journal of Emotional Abuse; 4(1): 85-104.
- Azar R. & Solomon CR. (2001). Coping strategies of parents facing child diabetes mellitus. Journal of Pediatric Nursing; 16(6): 418-428.
- Paquette D., Brigras M., Zoccolillo M., Tremblay RE, Labelle ME, & Azar R. (2001). Comparaison de la sensibilite maternelle entre des mères adolescentes et des mères adultes peu scolarisées. Revue de Psychoéducation et d’Orientation; 30(2): 283-298.
- Azar R. Depression in adolescent girls. Diaz-Granados N., Ross L., Azar R., Cheng C., Coulombe L., DesMeules M., Fear J.M., Grace S.L., Gucciardi E., McDermott S., Munce S., Poynter B., Steele L., Strohm S., Wang S., Wathen C.N., Webster F., Whitney D., & Stewart D.E. (2006). A Literature Review on Depression among Women: Focusing on Ontario. Report for the Ontario Women’s Health Council, Toronto, Canada.
- Zoccolillo M., Paquette D., Azar R., Coté S., & Tremblay R.E. (2004). Parenting as an important outcome of conduct disorder in girls. In M Putallaz & K Bierman (Eds.). Aggression, Antisocial Behavior, and Violence Among Girls: A developmental perspective, Duke Series in Child Development and Public Policy. New York: Guilford Publications.
- Azar R. (2004). Cortisol salivaire des mères adolescentes et leur nourrisson: exploration de quelques corrélats psychopathologiques et comportementaux. [Salivary cortisol in adolescent mothers and their infant: Exploring some psychopathological and behavioral correlates]. PhD Dissertation. Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of Montreal.
- Azar R. (1996). Stratégies d’adaptation des parents de l’enfant diabétique face au stress de la maladie chronique [Coping strategies of parents with a diabetic child facing the stress of chronic illness]. MSc. thesis, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, University of Montreal.